January 23, 2015

"L" X Doom II

About a year after the release of the original Doom, Id Software followed up with a sequel - Doom II: Hell on Earth.

I managed to watch what’s probably the only commercial made about the game and (in my opinion) I don’t think it did a very good job of promoting the game. It tries to sell the title as a fighting game which it clearly isn’t given the footage that’s shown;  we’ve already had 360 scrolling in the previous game so there was no need to emphasize it here, and a lot of what was shown looked very similar to what was in the original Doom. Then, I played the game and realized just why the commercial was so un-illuminating to me:

Doom II, despite having been labeled as a sequel, plays more like an expansion pack.

Mind you, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing given how much I enjoyed the original Doom because of how refined IT'S gameplay and mechanics were; but that still leaves the question of just how much does this game add to the classic Doom formula and is it worth playing?